Thursday, March 24, 2011


These days I almost always include a walk to city center for a cup of coffee at Boubon Street Coffee Company. On the way I commonly encounter a multitude of unfortunate souls asking for money. It is not uncommon for children to call out after me something like, "give me money." My ultimate role in both organizations I am striving to help is that of giving. The entire subject is difficult for say the least.

On my return to the apartment today I had become steeled to the vendors of magazines, the people asking for money, and was pretty much inside myself when I heard someone say "How are you?" It was a very nice young man who just wanted my company during the walk. He shared his hope for the future of his country and his love of the people. I agreed on both points and then posed the question I have been dying to ask. In my few travels I have been exposed to a number of cultures and have never found people so loving and kind as those in this country. How can it be that this, of all countries, experienced the genocide of one tenth of its population in ninety days?

Augustine took his breath in and then said he believed it was the leadership of the country. He described how artfully the past leaders had stirred up those resentments we all have and how they simply created an atmosphere of hate between brothers. I thanked him for the explanation and in response to his question whether I understood I told him I really can't because I simply didn't live through their experience.

As I walked up the stairs a few moments ago I couldn't help but reflect upon some of my faltering efforts at leadership during the past few years. I do think the Rwandan experience is far more complex than even Augustine believes. However, it is truly a challenge when leading others to nurture and grow those positive qualities between ourselves and to avoid using our differences as a method of accomplishing personal goals.

None of us is perfect. That includes the Rwandans and those leading the orgznizations I serve. Can I devote my day to generous giving both of "my" money and whatever time and talent I have left? I guess the alternative is selfish ambition, deviciveness, hate, exploitation and ultimately what happened here seventeen years ago.


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