Friday, May 7, 2010

Mile high, mile deep

It is true. Kigali is around a mile high. That means, like Denver the air is thin. Add to that I am almost 66 years old, fat and out of shape and I have the makings of a real problem. Somehow I got the notion that it would be a good thing to invite some of these homeless kids to run with me in the marathon in two weeks. That's the mile deep part. How big a hole have I dug for myself? Probably 26.2 miles deep!

I started out wanting to sponsor a couple of kids. The really good news now is there are...count them...twelve signed up! Not only that but they are the best looking track team I have ever been a part of. They are so excited. Tomorrow Guma and Jeffrey take them out to get shirts, shorts and athletic shoes.

We spent about an hour and a half together this afternoon and I seriously doubt I can describe the event. It began with Christian, a heavy set middle aged woman, softly clapping a rhythm. Then a young man turned over a plastic water jug and began beating it like a drum. Then more people began clapping. People began singing with one young fellow calling out a theme and everyone joining in the melody. Then kids began jumping up and running to get between the crowd and where I was seated. As they did so they joined each other in improvised dance steps like I have never seen before. Wow! One would egg another on and then another until the whole place was bursting in pride. There is something to be said for the theory some of it is in the genes.

So, now this old man is going to "train" with these kids for the next two weeks. The smart money says at least some of them will finish the marathon...don't know about me. I've been pretty sick for the last week and a half and finally got about a five miler in this morning. They finished their meeting today praying for me...the prayer sounded very sincere and I do hope it included my survival in the marathon. Could be a mile deep!



  1. You go, Doug! What a great job you are doing encouraging these kids. Remember, you can always walk for part of the marathon. You just need to cross the finish line. It will be the experience of a lifetime.

    Good luck,


  2. You can do it!!!!!! There's no shame in walking :) I got to walk three miles back to my car yesterday at the end of my run because of my dumb knee. What's 26.2 miles? Nothing you haven't done before. :)
