Thursday, May 6, 2010

Paradigm Shift

Have you ever had one of those days? A day when you awaken and know life will never quite be the same afterward? I am old enough those days are infrequent but today was one. I was picked up at 7:30 and eventually taken to a "restoration village". There are a number of these created by Prison Fellowship Rwanda. They are a communal living situation for both ex-offenders and survivors living in very close proximity.

Janet, the leader of the community had everyone to her house which is made of brick and mortar, built by the released prisoners. We sat in a big circle and they began to share their stories. Incredible. I have heard it said there are no atheists in fox-holes. Well, there were none in that room either. I'm here to tell you! How does one forgive a rapist or a murderer? Especially if the victim of the offense was your family? How does one ever trust again? I think the answer must be that it simply cannot be done without God at work. After we shared our lives a bit these lovely people broke out in song in their native Kinirawandan language. How good does it get?

On the way home, Guma and Jeffrey quietly talked in Kinirawandan. Guma then politely asked if I wanted to stop at a "memorial". When I answered in the affirmative the pickup quickly darted to the right and into a parking lot of a Catholic church. The room we found ourselves in was permitted for 1000 people. During the genocide 10,000 people somehow crammed themselves together in hopes the holy place would protect them. It did not as bullet holes and grenade fragments in the broken entry bear testimony. On the alter is a machete, two knives and a cross. On the seating benches are 10.000 suits of clothing, many bearing blood stains. In the basement areas there are said to be the skulls and remains of 45,000 people. All I know is I think my spirit couldn't bear the sight of another. In the back is a collection of clothing worn by the slaughtered children. The ceiling has holes throughout created by bullets and grenade fragments. On the way home I did the math in my head. If you kill a person a second it takes 12.5 hours to kill 45,000.

On a happier note, I am sponsoring a team in the Kigali Peace Marathon. One of the groups we are working with is made up of homeless street I am buying them all shoes, shorts and shirt...perhaps the first time they have ever had new stuff. That should be a trip! I get to meet my team mates tomorrow afternoon. The run is in about two weeks. I think I know who will come in last on my team! You should see some of these physical specimens. God's love.


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